Demonstration - DIRETA V seed drill by MASCHIO GASPARDO
Nov 26, 2024 — 09:55 am - 10:20 AMTERRE PLEIN EXTERIEUR Travée 10 - TECHNOSHOW

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Pneumatic seed drill for direct seeding between the rows in vineyards
DIRETTA-V is a drill for direct seeding in vineyards.
Thanks to a modular fixed frame that allows working widths of between 1.2 and 2 m, it is suitable for working inside the rows, guaranteeing total soil coverage thanks to the narrow spacing between the sowing units.
The GASPARDO - DIRETTA direct seeding unit is made up of large-diameter (475 mm) serrated coulters and discs mounted on a stanchion, all held in the ground by an adjustable compression spring capable of exerting a maximum ground pressure of 260 kg/cm².
The seeding depth is even, thanks to a cast-iron wheel which, together with the coulter and disc, positions the seed in the soil. The depth can be adjusted quickly and easily using a reduction ring, depending on the previous crop, the type of seed and the nature of the soil.
The seeding line is closed by an independent wheel with adjustable pressure from 20 to 80 kg.
Unrivalled compactness
The robust, fixed chassis, with its Cat II tractor hitch, can support up to 10 seeding units. It also includes the electrically controlled B-DRILL pneumatic seed drill with pneumatic seed transport.
Its compact dimensions give it great versatility, improved performance and manoeuvrability when manoeuvring on headlands.
A hopper with different capacities (200, 300 or 500 litres, and other models on request) and a range of accessories mean you can adapt to different needs.
Sow everything
The availability of different metering rollers means you can meet the most varied requirements in terms of seed rates and sizes, while guaranteeing even distribution of a wide range of varieties for normal grass cover, cover crops, nitrogen fixation or organic matter production.
ISOTRONIC electric transmission
The distributor is driven directly by an electric motor, itself controlled by ISOBUS communication with the control terminal in the cab.
In this way, there is a complete link between the tractor and the tool, and the machine can be controlled by the driver or automatically by the tractor.