Mindray/Beckman - Discrete analysers (600-800 t/h)


For large analytical settings, Biosentec offers a range of high-end sequential analyzers with high throughput to meet significant analytical demands, especially during the harvest season. For high-throughput analyzers (> 400 tests/hour), Beckman Coulter and Mindray are currently the only solutions available on the oenology market. Already widely referenced in the largest laboratories, these two solutions are offered by Biosentec. Mindray Analyzers : BS-600M : 600 tests/hour; continuous sample access via rack loader; quartz cuvettes. BS-800M : 800 tests/hour; continuous sample access via rack loader; quartz cuvettes. Beckman Coulter Analyzer (refurbished) : AU680 : continuous sample access via rack loader; quartz cuvettes.

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