vitiREV solutions for a competitive and sustainable vineyard
Nov 26, 2024 — 02:00 pm - 3:00 PMPALAIS 2 L'ATLANTIQUE- SALLE C1

vitiREV is a collective of 60 partners from the New Aquitaine winegrowing sector coordinated by the Region: interprofessions, winegrowing unions, local authorities, research and training establishments, companies, associations. They are pooling their development efforts to meet the challenges of climate adaptation and the ecological transition of the vineyard.
The aim is to put together a bouquet of solutions for winegrowers and local authorities to sustainably transform the winegrowing region of the Neo-Aquitaine. To achieve this, the partners are acting on 3 levers: agroecology, human capital and new values. The program's strength lies in its dual approach of innovation and consultation. To this end, it has received the support of the French government through the France 2030 program operated by the Banque des territoires, a subsidiary of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations.
"From the most novice to the most seasoned, from the small family business to the subsidiary of an international group, winegrowers will find in vitiREV concrete, operational and available tools to help them progress and ultimately facilitate the management of their business."
This session will also feature Antoine Drevelle, CEO of Kapsera:
Kapsera is developing an innovative microencapsulation technology to improve the effectiveness of natural active ingredients in agriculture, particularly for crop protection and fertilization. This technology uses biodegradable materials to stabilize and protect the microorganisms and natural molecules at the heart of biosolutions against the constraints of field use. It has proved its effectiveness on vines, reducing pest damage thanks to sprayable microcapsules with controlled release of pheromones, and improving harvest quality thanks to a microencapsulated microbial biostimulant. The company also operates in human and animal nutrition to improve the nutritional performance of prebiotics and probiotics.