Pest management: alternatives to insecticides?


Limiting the use of insecticides with Trichogramma releases in the Narbonnais - Trials of alternative products to insecticides in AB for the main vineyard pests in the Dordogne. Feedback from the Narbonnais Ecophyto viticulture farms, which since 2022 have been releasing Trichogramma (egg-parasitoid microgereps) to combat Cryptoblabes gnidiella, a pest currently rampant in Mediterranean vineyards. A look back at the Agrobio Périgord organic network's trials of alternative treatments to insecticides in viticulture since 2015. These trials focused on the main insect pests of grapevines in the Dordogne: Lobesia botrana (Eudemis), Scaphoïdeus titanus (flavescence dorée leafhopper) and Empoesca vitis (leafhopper).

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