Tasting and new digital technologies Asset or Threat

Nov 27, 202410:30 am - 11:30 AM


To what extent can AI replace sensory analysis? Is the digital sommelier a pipe dream or a reality? These are the questions that animate and worry the community. Recent advances in new digital technologies, particularly machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) tools, are transforming our working habits. By making sense of complex, multi-modal raw data bases (from chemical and microbiological analysis), these tools could rapidly move out of research laboratories and into the daily lives of oenologists. They could assist them in their decision-making, optimize certain repetitive tasks, and become part of the battery of anti-fraud tools. In a context of climatic and social upheaval, the quality and typicity of our wines is being put to the test. Practitioners are being forced to modify their viticultural and winemaking practices. Artificial intelligence-assisted analytical tools could help them to better understand the identity of their wines and thus secure their technical choices. Tasting is at the heart of wine professionals' analytical tools. Could it too be assisted by AI? To what extent can AI replace sensory analysis? Is the digital sommelier a pipe dream or a reality? These questions are driving and worrying the community. A round-table discussion with oenology researcher Stéphanie Marchand and neurobiologist Gabriel Lepousez, to take stock of the advances and limits of AI in tasting and oenology.

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